
status update II

two weeks later - still working on my thesis. have been interrupted by other school related things (i.e. submitting data to present at that conference in june, preparing a poster to present this friday, helping in lab with a random experiment) and life related things (i.e. celebrating my 25th birthday, visiting with mom, finding a new apartment).

i'm a little bit tired of writing.


status update

lately, it seems like every journal article or book that i pick up is saying something uncannily relevant to my life at that exact moment. this helps a lot with thesis writing, and also provides amusement. from small world by david lodge:

when april with its sweet showers has pierced the drought of march to the root, and bathed every vein of earth with that liquid by whose power the flowers are engendered; when the zephyr, too, with its dulcet breath, has breathed life into the tender new shoots in every copse and on every heath, and the young sun has run half his course in the sign of the ram, and the little birds that sleep all night with their eyes open give song (so nature prompts them in their hearts), then, as the poet geoffrey chaucer observed many years ago, folk long to go on pilgrimages. only, these days, professional people call them conferences.

since last week when i found some very happy results for the second experiment of my thesis (as evoked by rainbow photo of rat brain section in post below), my supervisor has agreed we should submit the data to an upcoming conference. while i thought i'd go conference-less this summer (having opted out of a meeting in brazil, figuring i would be caught up in my MSc defense at approximately the same time), it seems i'll get to do a tiny bit of travel, present some exciting results, and see some of my favourite people on the second weekend of june.

also since last week, i've come up with some equally happy results for the third and FINAL experiment of my thesis. i was excited about said results this afternoon, when i made it through the data analysis. now i'm just tired. before i fall asleep, i'll remind myself that i don't have to trace any more beautiful neurons for at least a few weeks.

to bed - i have a thesis to write tomorrow.