
value village impromptu

took a july wednesday night outing with friend craig to see poet Lisa Robertson perform a reading at value village, to launch her latest book, 'Occasional Work and Seven Walks From the Office for Soft Architecture'. for a remarkably surreal 20 minutes, we wandered among the aisles of pants organized by colour in rainbow order to the sound of her essay 'The Value Village Lyric' over the PA. some of the patrons were less than enthusiastic, but the hipster kids who turned out were all digging. kind of re-defines the poetry reading. and reminds me of those times in high school dance composition class when we would choreograph pieces that integrated through different locations around the building. including the girls bathrooms.

then, in a particular moment of brilliance, we spotted a south indian corner take-out/sit-down place where i enjoyed my first masala dosa since bangalore! 'twas positively delicious. their coconut chutney was the REAL DEAL. and the mango lassi i washed it all down with was stellar. have to go back to this place: South Indian Dosa Mahal. they even have idli! those sweet fluffy breakfast rice cakes that go so perfectly with a saucer of cardomom-scented coffee... sigh. heaven.



it feels like i just updated last week, but realized today that it has actually been a month. i've been going in cycles of preparing for trips, traveling, and catching up after trips - makes for dropping of most normal day-to-day activities, including laundry and blogging.

i also realized it has now been a year since i started this blog. 'twas july 2005 when i made my first post about a summerlicious meal at Canoe. don't think i'll return to Canoe for summerlicious this year - the menu seems lacklustre. if i can rustle up a companion, i might attempt a reservation at Thuet bistro & bakery, but in the meantime i'm finally going to sample the amusingly described offerings at Czehoski on queen west. perhaps i'll have the "grain-fed cornish game hen brined, then cooked under heavy things with arborio nero risotto, spring garlic oil, baby arugula". snicker.

since june, i've been busy in the lab tying loose ends on my most recent project. finally have the go-ahead to write it up and submit, hopefully to be accepted somewhere before i apply for more grants in october (more papers i publish = more chance of getting funding). then i prepared for a conference trip to montreal (more about that later), and spent a week there before celebrating canada day back home in ottawa (see photo below, courtesy of marsha). this past week has been more catch-up, and a series of visits from friends. i was lucky to have my friend meredith come up for a day to toronto; she's home for a few weeeks from the University of Otago in Dunedin, NZ where she's working on her PhD in population genetics. then i got to spend most of saturday with friend jonny, who was a classmate in neuroscience at Dal. finally, i got to see my aunt and uncle this evening, after my aunt finished a long weekend of exhibiting at the toronto outdoor art down at nathan phillips square.

i have a few posts stored up that will get put up this week. but, for now, this is a few of us at the beer garden across from parliament hill on canada day. we were amazingly lucky to get a table - and didn't let it go from about 4:00 pm 'til after fireworks. now THAT's a proper canada day.